

 “It is easy to be a dictator. To run a successful dictator, you need a certain amount of administrative competences to maintain monopoly of violence, or even run a nuclear weapons program. African “dictators” tend to be too incompetent to pull this off.

Mobutu SeseSeko Kuku NgbenduWaZaBanga (aka Joseph Desire Mobutu) was the typical African dictator (most African dictatorship resembles Mobutu of Zaire.

Tribalistic, corrupt, buys off opponents when outright murder doesn’t work, and mostly fantastically incompetent.

Why did Mobutu last so long? And why does many glaringly incompetent African dictators last so long? WESTERN SUPPORT.

The west especially FRANCE is the greatest enabler of incompetent African dictators.
Mobutu jumped on the US “anti-communism bandwagon” to stay in power.

There’s no “anti-communism” bandwagon to jump on today, but the “war on terror” is a very convenient insurance policy for incompetent African leaders (dictators). Just show “commitment to fighting terrorism” and the entire WEST will shower you with aid.

But there’s a cautionary tale from history. Once the cold war ended, US quickly abandoned Mobutu. His empire collapsed in a few years. Just like many believed the cold war would not end, many believe today that the “war on terror” will go on and ad infinitum.

One day US will declare victory on war on terror, on that day (or even before then) many incompetent African dictators will fall. It is just a matter of time. Dictatorship has no future in Africa.

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