
Hillary Clinton Mouths Off To Trump After Flynn Resignation – BIG Mistake

After the resignation of President Trump's National Security Adviser MIchael Flynn, Hillary Clinton took to Twitter to try and kick the Trump administration while they were down.
Unfortunately for her, however, she quickly learned she’d made a huge mistake.
Daily Mail reported that Clinton sank to a new low on Monday night when she retweeted a post from longtime confidante Phillipe Reines in which he suggested Flynn and his son, who spread the discredited “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory on social media, get jobs at Domino’s.
“Philippe’s got his own way of saying things, but he has a point about the real consequences of fake news,” Clinton wrote above Reines’ tweet. Reines himself had written, “Dear Mike Flynn & Mike Flynn Jr., What goes around COMES around. And given your pizza obsession…” along with the link to the Domino’s Pizza’s job site.
Philippe's got his own way of saying things, but he has a point about the real consequences of fake news... https://twitter.com/philippereines/status/831356816609116160 
This post could not be more hypocritical, as Hillary Clinton is one of the biggest liars in this entire country. Thousands immediately took to Twitter themselves to let Clinton know EXACTLY what they think of her:
Philippe's got his own way of saying things, but he has a point about the real consequences of fake news... https://twitter.com/philippereines/status/831356816609116160 
Hillary clarifies exactly what the  is all about: 

A storm is brewing behind the scenes. pic.twitter.com/fSNJhbSo5H
@correctthemedia @HillaryClinton Hillary needs to go back to boozing & keep her face out of politics. Its time to put her in jail already.
Philippe's got his own way of saying things, but he has a point about the real consequences of fake news... https://twitter.com/philippereines/status/831356816609116160 
@HillaryClinton. You still alive? Thought you were in Gate of Heaven.
Philippe's got his own way of saying things, but he has a point about the real consequences of fake news... https://twitter.com/philippereines/status/831356816609116160 
@HillaryClinton When are you going to accept that you lost and go away?

Philippe's got his own way of saying things, but he has a point about the real consequences of fake news... https://twitter.com/philippereines/status/831356816609116160 
@HillaryClinton @PhilippeReines Yeah, I wouldn't gloat so soon Hilldawg,  isn't going away, I think you know that. 

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